We manufacture complex electrical engineering products with an innovative approach to modern technology.
Company with a history
70 years of supplying measuring and control equipment to the global power industry market, 70 years of development, 70 years of experience! All this is reflected in the quality of ZPA Smart Energy products.
In-house development
We keep moving onward! State-of-the-art intelligent electronic devices and their parts are the result of innovative processes of our development department.
Production technology
Efficient cooperation with carefully selected suppliers across industries enables us to provide comprehensive integrated products to our clients.
We always have a place for inquisitive and creative people. Do you have patience and diligence in abundance? Or perhaps some other virtue is your strength? That’s great. Each of you can move us forward.
We bring innovation into electricity metering
As the only Czech manufacturer of electricity meters and ripple control receivers, we will deliver a comprehensive product developed with state-of-the-art technologies. We design modular, customised solutions free of unnecessary components, from a single meter, with, theoretically, the possibility of future expansion to an unlimited quantity. Performance efficiency is our top priority, user-friendliness is a matter of course.
Technological partners
We are looking for the most suitable partners for our activities across industries. In the energy metering and control segment, we successfully cooperate, for instance, with microprocessor manufacturers, software component providers and universities. Together we invent, design and develop products that know no limits.
We are working with a number of universities on developing artificial intelligence for our devices.
ZPA is more
than just a job
We will not stifle you with sheets of information on what a candidate for a job in our company should be like. On the contrary. We will present the to you vacancies and you will make the choice. Everyone is unique and every job position has its own specifics. You know best what your strength is, where you can help us and what job you will enjoy and find fulfilling. Have you found such a job position? Feel free to apply for it.
A strong and reliable
global partner
Over the long term, ZPA Smart Energy has been a leading truly Czech manufacturer of electricity meters and ripple control receivers. In our region, the electrical engineering industry has a tradition of more than 70 years. We build our technological development upon these solid foundations and in cooperation with major multinational technological companies including ABB, Siemens, TE Connectivity, etc. The potential of our business activities is still far from exhausted.
68 416 TWh of energy
measured by our products
18 mil. products
delivered to our partners
1240 partners
Are you curious about what we are working on, where our next steps will lead and what products are currently under development? Read the latest articles. You will also learn about our cooperation with major suppliers and universities. For ZPA Smart Energy fans, we are adding hot news from our employees and from and joint events. Have fun.
Spouštíme nový pilotní projekt!
Ode dneška spouštíme spolu s naším kooperačním partnerem exceeding solutions GmbH pilotní projekt připojení, správy a provozu inteligentních měřicích systémů (IMSys) prostřednictvím es:Cloud! Společnost exceeding solutions GmbH je dlouholetým průkopníkem ve vývoji moderních testovacích systémů a řídicích procesů pro inteligentní měření. Díky komplexním testům elektroměrů, inteligentních měřicích bran (SMGW) a řídicích boxů podle norem FNN, BSI TR, PTB a dalších nabízí nyní es:Cloud výkonné řešení pro správu inteligentních měřicích systémů pro SMRO! Systém es:Cloud integruje všechny základní role inteligentního měření (GWA, pEMT, aEMT atd.) a umožňuje: – uživatelsky přívětivou vizualizaci naměřených dat, – analýzu chyb instalovaných systémů v reálném čase,
Letos sportujeme pro Matyáška, jedná se již o 7. ročník projetku ZPA Pomáhá sportem kdy zaměstnanci ZPA sportují celý rok, aby na konci roku přeměnili své vysportované kilometry na peníze. Každý rok vybíráme pro tento krásný projekt nějakou úžasnou bytost, která se hýbat nemůže nebo má jiný handicap a jsme velmi rádi, že můžeme pomáhat!
Vyhráli jsme! Vítězství v soutěži T-Profi!
S velkou radostí oznamujeme, že náš tým zvítězil v soutěži T-Profi! Děkujeme všem za skvělou spolupráci a těšíme se na krajské kolo 15.11.2024!