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Are you looking for ripple control receivers or modern measuring instruments / electricity meters developed at the highest technological level? Contact ZPA Smart Energy, the leading Czech manufacturer of metering and control technology. Thanks to acquired knowledge, a modern development centre and conscientious partners who honour the principles of our company, we are able to produce products according to the specific needs of our clients.
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Electricity meter filter
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The control core is based on an industrial mono-boardcomputer with the Linux operating system. Via its communication interface, the concentrator ensures connection to meters, reads the data from them and controls them. Data collection tasks are programmed and run automatically according to an internal calendar. Data obtained are processed, stored ininternal storage and provided to the master system – HES. The key functionality is the support of direct HES access to individual electricity meters. The data concentrator may communicate with hundreds of electricity meters. The specific number is determined by the extent of data collection and the communication technology used. The modular structure allows for the implementation of new hardware as well as protocol modules.
The data concentrator (further also as CAM65) is a fully programmable device used in automated meter management (AMM) systems and used to collect data from meters.
Cover KP01 is designed for the security of live parts of supply cables after removal of electricity meter. It is fixed to the terminal board in place of sampling of electrical equipment. For fixing is used standard mounting points.
Cables are either provided with insulation and fixed between teeth comb which is part of the housing, or are inserted into the terminals and together with it is loosely inserted into the housing. The cover is closed, sealed, ensuring permanent protection supply installation.
The housing cover is available in the following options:
- 001 – opaque
- 002 – clear
OneMeter will allow you to gain full control over consumption and electricity costs.
It reads data from the electricity meter every 15 minutes and sends them via mobile phone to the Cloud.
With the OneMeter and cloud application, you will have up-to-date information on hand all the time. More information: https://onemeter.com/
Komunikační hlavice S10BT je primárně určena k vytvoření komunikačního kanálu mezi přístroji vybavenými optickým rozhraním dle standardu ČSN EN 62056-21 (Výměna dat pro odečet elektroměru, řízení tarifu a regulaci zátěže) na jedné straně a softwarovou aplikací na straně druhé.
Hlavice S10BT převádí optické signály v infračerveném spektru (modulované sériovým rozhraním) na virtuální sériový port Bluetooth (SPP). Umožňuje galvanicky oddělenou bezdrátovou komunikaci. Obsahuje optoelektronický vysílač, přijímač, akumulátor, Bluetooth modul a mikroprocesor pro řízení komunikace.
Integrovaný toroidní magnet umožňuje hlavici S10BT odnímatelně uchytit k povrchu přístroje a zároveň i centrovat optická rozhraní.
Zařízení může obsahovat krytku optického rozhraní, USB kabel pro nabíjení akumulátoru, šňůru s karabinou na krk, poutka pro připevnění sondy a krytky ke karabině.
Optical sensor S10IR with an optical head enables data reading from electrometers, ripple control receivers and other devices.
Optical head S10IR transforms optical signals to RS232 (RxD and TxD) serial port signals. Its main objective is to enable ripple control receivers and optical port enhanced electrometers to communicate. This communication is conducted according to IEC 61107 standard.
The electricity meter load simulator is designed for preliminarytesting of the operation of electricity meters connected indistributors.
The testing is performed when the electricity meter is connected in the standardmanner, with a live distribution point. Once contact is made, the SZE-12 ispowered via the electricity meter under test (it has no internal power supply). Itforces a test current of approximately 8A into the current circuit of the electricitymeter. The exact value depends on the fluctuations of the mains voltage andon the level of contact resistance between the SZE-12 current terminals andthe electricity meter current terminals. The SZE-12 is designed for 230V / 50Hznominal voltage but it can also be used to test electricity meters connected to120V / 50Hz mains – however, in such a case, the simulated load current isreduced by about half. The output circuit is protected with a 16A fuse, whichdoes not melt during normal operation. For the electricity meter to show a0.1kWh reading, the SZE12 must be connected for approximately 2.5 minutes.The test duration may be shorter in the case of electronic electricity metersindicating start-up with a blinking arrow or featuring a bar-graph showing theapproximate output. During longer or repeated measurements, the simulatorcould overheat and trigger the resettable thermal protection. Until the devicecools down, the simulator appears to be inoperative. The maximum operatingtime at maximum output power is 3 minutes. After that, the device must remainunconnected for 10 minutes (the time necessary for the device to cool down).Once cooled down, the SZE-12 can operate properly again. The load simulatoris certified as CAT IV equipment in accordance with CSN EN 61326-1 and CSNEN 61010-1 ed. 2.
Device is designed for crude testing of electricity meters. A current of around 10 A is forced into the meter current circuit. Current magnitude depends on mains actual voltage.
The equipment is intended for approximate checking of the operation of an energy meter installed in a distributor. The check is performed on an energy meter connected to the mains and the load in the usual setup; the load is still powered.
Optical sensor USB with an optical head enables data reading from electrometers, ripple control receivers and other devices.
Optical sensor USB (also optical head) transfers optical signals in infra-red spectrum (modulated by serial interface) to USB port. It allows galvanically separated communication with RCR (ripple control receivers), electricity meters and with other devices with optical interface according to EN standard 62056-21 (“Data transmission for electricity meter reading, change of tariffs and regulation of load”).
The test terminal board ZS1b (for four-wire wiring) is designed for electric equipment, where replacement or inspection of measuring gauges during the operation is required (when disconnecting or connecting electricity meters in secondary circuits of measuring current and voltage transformers) and where it is necessary to meet the condition of non-breaking the secondary circuits of measuring current transformers.
To the test terminal board relate utility designs no. 35005 and 6557.
The test terminal board ZS1b is designed as follows: the current terminals P are divided in two halves and are connected in terms of conductivity by tightening the screws S. The conductive connection of adjacent current terminals of the same polarity is realized with a jumper M.
The test terminal board ZS1c (for four-wire) is for electrical equipment which require replacement or inspection of measuring instruments during the operation (when disconnecting or connecting electricity in the secondary circuits of measuring current transformers) and where it is necessary to fulfill the requirement of continuity of the secondary circuit of the measuring current transformers.
Test terminal board ZS1c is arranged so that the current terminals P are continuous. Conductive connection of adjacent current terminals of the same polarity is done springboard M and tightening the screws S. Neutral terminal N is divided into two halves. Conductive connection of the two halves of the clamp is made clutch K.
The testing terminal box ZS4 (four-wire conduit) is designed for electrical devices where there is a need for changing or checking of a working measuring instrument (during switching off of an electrometer connected to secondary circuits while measuring current and voltage transformers) and where it is necessary to keep to the terms of uninterrupted secondary circuits of measuring current transformers.
The new testing terminal box supplements the previous model ZS1b.